Guest A–Z
Guest information A-Z
Everything you need to know about your stay at the Hotel Bern. From A for adapter to W for Wi-Fi. If your questions are not answered, please contact us by telephone or email.
031 329 22 22 /
- A
adapterair conditioningarrivalATMAttika Bar
- B
baby bedbathrobebed linen changebottle openerBreakfastBusiness Center
- C
car rentalcoffee machineCouponcredit cards
- D
departuredogs / petsDrinks & Snacks
- E
Electrical connectionemergency exitsemergency medical serviceExpress Check-Out
- F
fax / photocopyfirefitness
- H
hairdryerhygiene products
- I
ice cubesiron
- K
- L
laundry serviceluggage service
- M
mini-barmoney exchange
- N
newspapersnight entrancenon-smoker
- O
- P
ParkingPharmacyphonepillowsPublic transportation
- R
receptionrestaurantRoom Service
- S
safeSeminar & Meetingsshoe polishing setslippersstampsstationery
- T
taxitourist taxtowel change
- U
- W
wake-up callWi-Fi